How do people want to live in the town of the future? Around 60 citizens from Merzenich and the surrounding area came together to explore this question during a public participation event focused on the Master Plan for Bürgewald (formerly Morschenich-Alt). On November 12, 2024, a discussion and co-creation event took place at the CUBITY Atelierhaus, organized and moderated by the urban planning office stadtguut from Bochum and dtp landscape architects. Thorsten Schauz Ellsiepen, consulting engineer from stadtguut, and Isabella de Medici from dtp landscape architects guided participants through a varied program. Sharon Nathan, research associate at the Foundation for Art and Architecture, opened the evening with an introduction to the venue and the vision of the CUBITY Atelierhaus. Mayor of Merzenich, Georg Gelhausen, presented the background and objectives of the citizen participation initiative for the development of Bürgewald.

Mayor of Merzenich, Georg Gelhausen, presented the objectives of the citizen participation initiative on November 12 and welcomed the guests at the CUBITY. © Sharon Nathan
Planning Process for the Bürgewald Masterplan
The evening focused on involving interested parties in the planning process for the Bürgewald Master Plan. The event served as a platform for sharing preliminary planning proposals in urban development, landscape design, and mobility, and for discussing alternative development perspectives for Bürgewald. The aim was to gather innovative ideas on living, working, mobility, and open space design to shape Bürgewald as a livable and future-oriented community.
Collaborative Exchange at Topic Tables
Following a brief introduction by the planning team, attendees gathered at four topic tables moderated by team members. Each table focused on a specific theme:
1. New Living
2. New Work and Innovation
3. New Open Spaces
4. New Mobility and Infrastructure

How do we want to live in Bürgewald in the future? This question was discussed by citizens at the planning tables in the CUBITY. © Sharon Nathan
At these tables, posters displaying analysis results and perspective sketches on various building typologies and spatial development concepts for Bürgewald were presented. Citizens discussed the sketches, evaluated spatial qualities, and selected reference images that they felt best suited Bürgewald’s future needs. Participants marked their preferences with stickers and added comments on index cards, leading to lively exchanges and dynamic discussions.
Innovative Centers and Open Spaces for Bürgewald Receive Support
Several key suggestions emerged from the evening:
New Living: Participants expressed a desire for sustainable and community-oriented housing, such as green residential courtyards and energy-efficient buildings that integrate nature with contemporary living.
New Work and Innovation: Flexible workspaces and co-working areas were welcomed. In particular, innovative centers attracting startups and creative professionals gained significant support.
New Open Spaces: There was strong interest in nature-based recreational areas and outdoor meeting spaces that promote social interaction and leisure activities. Ideas like community gardens, playgrounds, and spaces for art and culture were warmly received.
New Mobility and Infrastructure: Mobility was another key topic. Many participants supported concepts like car-free zones, additional bike paths, and enhanced public transportation to make Bürgewald more environmentally friendly.

The constructive and valuable exchange enriched discussions on the redesign and redevelopment of Bürgewald. © Sharon Nathan
The citizen participation event at the CUBITY Atelierhaus demonstrated the importance of dialogue between the planning team and the community. The constructive ideas and opinions of citizens were considered a valuable contribution to advancing the Master Plan, and the organizers announced the possibility of a follow-up event at the Foundation for Art and Architecture.
To the article „Signing of the Letter of Intent (LOI) for the revitalization of the Morschenich-Alt site in Cubity”