On April 19, 2024, an informational event organized by the CDU Merzenich took place at the CUBITY Atelierhaus. Around 40 citizens took the opportunity to learn about the CUBITY project and the planned redesign of Poolplatz, as well as to share their questions and feedback.

The CDU board of Merzenich, led by Dirk Becker, hosted the event. Mayor Georg Gelhausen was also present and actively participated in the discussions. Markus Schmale, Chairman of the Board of the Britta and Ulrich Findeisen Foundation for Art and Architecture, attended as an expert and addressed questions regarding the foundation and the innovative concept of the CUBITY Atelierhaus.

Exchange Design Poolplatz

Interested citizens gathered at the informational event to exchange views on the redesign of Poolplatz. © Sharon Nathan

CUBITY Combines Future-Oriented Architecture and Social Engagement

CUBITY represents a forward-looking integration of architecture and social themes. It serves as a space for artistic and scientific projects and is designed to adapt flexibly to various use scenarios. The redesign of Poolplatz, a central location in Merzenich, was a key topic of the discussion. Plans were presented that include high-quality landscaping, extensive tree coverage, and 14 public parking spaces.

The event provided an opportunity to involve citizens early in the planning process and to address their concerns and questions. The CDU Merzenich and the Foundation for Art and Architecture expressed their satisfaction with the strong turnout and the public’s interest in the proposed projects.